Francis Lee Workshop 2024

During the workshop, participants will delve into fundamental watercolour techniques and colour theories. You will have the opportunity to explore the art of mixing green using blue and yellow watercolours. Additionally, Francis will provide a brief overview of basic composition principles and the Rule of Thirds. As the session concludes, you are encouraged to ask questions about watercolour, or you can bring your own paintings for personalized art critiques.

NOTES: Bring your own empty palette and brush of various sizes. Organizer will provide paper and paints.

11 May 2024 | 2 - 5pm
Mereka, Publika Shopping Gallery

RM200 per pax


BYOK Coach

If you prefer a more personalized coaching session, you may want to consider 'Bring Your Own Kit (BYOK) Coach' option. The venue, time, and date can be customized to your preferences, but please check with me for availability. For additional details, please refer the course disclosure on the Download page

  • • Digital Archiving 2023
    • New Era University College 2022
    • Overjoy Singapore 2022
    • Mastering Wet-in-Wet 2022
    • Introduction to Watercolour 2021 (Premier Art)
    • Introduction to Watercolour 2021 (A Lab)
    • Introduction to Watercolour 2020 (Premier Art)

  • • MOMENTS : Big Cities, Small Stories 2023

    • MOMENTS : Discover Wanderlust 2022

“Embrace the journey of becoming your most exceptional self, rather than chasing someone else's idea of greatness.”