Big Cities, Small Stories

Zhan Art Space | 4-17 September 2023

A Glimpse Into Ordinary Moments

Within my artistic expression, I embark on an introspective journey, using my medium as a vessel to explore human interaction and its entanglement with everyday life. I strive to go beyond the surface, inviting viewers to contemplate their inner landscapes.

In my creative process, I translate raw activities onto the paper. Each work becomes a conduit, expressing the depths of joy, worry, longing, and contentment that define the human experience. In this introspective exploration, I spark a dialogue, encouraging viewers to embark on their own introspective journeys and find solace, inspiration, and healing in the colorful palette of emotions we all possess.

Art transcends language and cultural barriers, forging connections and offering solace to those who resonate with its message. Through this connection, I find solace in my own vulnerability, inviting others to explore their own depths.

  • Francis Lee_Whimsical Encounter_Watercolour

    Whimsical Encounter

    Y2023 | 76 x 56cm | Watercolour

    The close-up view of four boys, their expressions reflecting a mix of perplexity and curiosity. These young boys are part of a lively street parade peddling to make a living. As they navigate through the parade, an unexpected twist occurs as a troop of mischievous monkeys join in the procession, adding an element of whimsy and surprise. Embrace the magic of the moment, where the convergence of unexpected encounters and daily chore creates an unforgettable experience.

  • Francis Lee_Serenade of the Snack Stall_WAtercolour

    Serenade of The Snack Stall

    Y2023 | 76 x 56cm | Watercolour

    Nestled within an old hut, a resolute lady runs her fried snack stall business. The rustic charm, reflecting the simplicity of local street food such as nuggets, banana fritters and fish balls. Her resolute dedication at the center of the scene and the harmonious symphony of flavors, sounds, and sights weave together to create the enchanting experience of indulging in street snacks. Only time will tell if the stall will continue to thrive and be passed down through generations.

  • Francis Lee_Sweet Indulgence_Watercolour

    Sweet Indulgence

    Y2023 | 76 x 56 cm | Watercolour

    An intimate scene unfolds, encapsulating the joy of a young boy as he indulges in his favorite beverage. His face filled with contentment, as he relishes a refreshing glass of ice milk tea. His vibrant expression exudes pure enjoyment against the backdrop of his dark blue shirt. Treasuring the simple pleasures in life, reminding us of the precious memories and experiences that can be found in the smallest of moments.

  • Francis Lee_Journey Homeward Bound_Watercolour

    Journey Homeward Bound

    Y2023 | 76 x 56cm | Watercolour

    A poignant scene unfolds before the viewer’s eyes. A railway worker patiently awaits his train ride home after a long day’s work. The worker’s back, facing away from the viewer, emphasizing the solitude and contemplation and a massive bag, hinting at the physical toll and dedication required in his role.

  • Francis Lee_The Art of Togetherness_Watercolour

    The Art of Togetherness

    Y2023 | 76 x 56cm | Watercolour

    A family sits united, engaged in a cherished tradition. Family members gathered together with love and purpose. The warmth of shared moments and the power of generations united in harmony. Through their shared endeavor, the family celebrates the art of togetherness, reminding us of the profound joy and strength found in the company of loved ones.

  • Menunggu Khabar Dari Samudera

    Y2022 | 76 x 56cm | Watercolour

    A group of weathered, patient men stands in cheerful conversation, a guy occasionally glancing toward the horizon as they eagerly await the triumphant return of a ship laden with its precious catch. The soft, textured strokes of watercolor blend seamlessly to create a tranquil yet vivid maritime scene, where the passage of time and the weight of their hopeful anticipation converge in a harmonious visual narrative. This evocative artwork beautifully conveys the timeless connection between man, nature, and the sea.